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This film was made in collaboration with VPRO & NPO 3LAB

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fiction | 10 minutes | English spoken, Dutch subtitles


IN NEED OF CATHARSIS is a short fiction film in which 23-year-old Qetsiyah visits the apartment where she lived with her mother Alya, until Alya ended her life when Qetsiyah was 11 years old. We follow Qetsiyah during her first confrontation with this space and the presence that lingers inside, this palpable presence turns out to be Alya's spirit. The film takes the point of view of Alya's spirit. During Qetsiyah's visit, Alya leads her around the apartment to different objects and places, through this way Alya tries to reminisce with her daughter of their life together before her death. Qetsiyah is confronted with emotions and memories she has been trying to suppress since her mother's death, she questions the relationship they had together when her mother was alive. Throughout the film, conversations and confrontations take place between the physical presence (Qetsiyah) and the spiritual presence (Alya.)

This visit leads to the start of Qetsiyah's process of emotional healing.

Cast of In Need of Catharsis

Qetsiyah (heden)                Athena Potamianos

Qetsiyah (flashback)          Tiana Mara Taraseviciute

Alya (voice-over)                 Randa el Hamouti

Alya (flashback)                   Randa el Hamouti

Crew of In Need of Catharsis

Scenario & Regie                                   Randa el Hamouti

Productie                                                Randa el Hamouti

Productie Assistent                               Claudia Hezemans

Regie Assistent                                      Sharon Harthoorn

Director of Photography                      Zep van Tienen

Steadicam Operator                             Tom Selbeck

1st AC                                                      Rachid Mekran

Gaffer                                                      Thijs Breukers

Best Boy                                                  Giel Roggeveen

Montage                                                 Gijs Onvlee

Colourist                                                 Laurent Fluttert

Muziek                                                    Flavia Faas 

                                                                 Jordi van Dommele

Geluidsopname                                    Tjalling de Leeuw

Sound Design                                       Tjalling de Leeuw

Production Design                               Randa el Hamouti

On Setdresser                                      Yana Engelbrecht

Runner                                                   Nevyn van Nugteren

Haar & Make-Up                                 Teunie Praamstra

Set Fotografie                                      Rick van der Klooster                                   

                                                                Daan Kamphorst

Illustrator Poster                                  Amber Moerland

Illustrator Logo                                    Sanne Antens

Dramaturg VPRO                                 Marieke Mols

Coördinator NPO 3LAB                      Jos Arthursen

Catering                                                 Sanne Antens

                                                                 Zoë Jurriëns 


St. Joost School of Arts & Design

Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds

Het Raam


Mystiek Rotterdam

Deze films is tot stand gekomen in samenwerking met VPRO & NPO 3LAB

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